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Friday, October 19, 2018

how to stop your hair from falling out?

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10 Simple Remedies For Thinning Hair

1. Consider Your Diet

Protein is the building block of the tissues in your body, including your hair. Make sure you are consuming enough proteins in your diet. The best sources of protein are milk, egg whites and fish.

You also want to eat foods high in omega-3 fatty acids—such as salmon and mackerel—two or three times a week, or sprinkle a tablespoon or two of freshly ground flaxseed onto salads or cereal each day.

How To Reduce Hair Loss

2. Don’t Forget Your Vitamins

Vitamin A is crucial to healthy hair because it “works with the fat synthesis.” Food products rich in vitamin A include leafy greens, carrots, and eggs.
Vitamin B12 supports the creation of red blood cells and Vitamin E encourages healthy circulation, which ultimately provides more oxygen for your body! And more oxygen = healthier hair.
Some of the most important minerals for hair health are — calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. You can find lots of these in your favorite vegetables, or you may want to consider taking a daily mineral supplement.
How To Reduce Hair Loss

3. Talk To Your Doctor

Many people who begin losing their hair early or without explanation find they have a hormonal imbalance. If you have other symptoms of hormonal imbalance, bring it up with you doctor. You can also explore natural supplements for hormone regulation and eat more foods that promote healthy hormone levels.
In addition to hormone imbalance, there are also several other conditions that can lead to hair loss, like stress, thyroid disease, anemia, and taking certain medications for heart disease. Talk to your doctor to make sure it’s not one of these other issues.

4. Break Bad Habits

Smoking reduces circulation, and this includes blood flow to the scalp. Drinking alcohol and caffeine will hamper the immune system and cause further hair fallout. So break those bad habits for the sake of your hair!
Another bad habit to break is not drinking enough water! Staying hydrated is crucial in tissue growth and health. The hair shaft itself is largely made up of water. Set a goal to drink AT LEAST 64 ounces each day. Also, avoid carbonated sodas all of which will weaken your immune system and make your hair more likely to fall out.
How To Reduce Hair Loss

5. Keep The Peace

Believe it or not, most of the time, the root cause for hair loss is stress and tension. Try meditation or yoga to help reduce stress and calm your mind.
How To Reduce Hair Loss

6. Exercise

Regular exercise allows sweat to clean out and unclog your hair pores. The exercise will also make you healthier overall which will help you grow longer, stronger locks.
How To Reduce Hair Loss

7. Essential Oil Scalp Massage

Scalp massages help stimulate the hair follicles to increase hair growth, and essential oils like lavender, rosemary, and thyme have been shown to prevent hair thinning and balding! Take any carrier oil (like olive, coconut, almond, etc.) and add a few drops of lavender, rosemary, or thyme oil to it. Massage the oils gently into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it for an hour, then shampoo your hair. Follow this remedy once a week. It smells great and is very relaxing, and your hair will look healthier in no time!
And if you’re looking for more homemade solutions for your hair and skin, check out my eBook At-Home Bath & Body! You can buy it in my shop, or download it for free if you’re an OGT Plus member!
How To Reduce Hair Loss

8. Natural Juices

You can rub your scalp with garlic juice, onion juice or ginger juice. Leave it on overnight and wash it thoroughly in the morning. (I personally will stick with essential oils!)
How To Reduce Hair Loss

9. Antioxidants

Green tea contains antioxidants which prevent hair loss and boost hair growth. Apply warm green tea (two bags brewed in one cup of water) on your scalp and leave this mixture on for an hour and then rinse.
And finally…
How To Reduce Hair Loss

10. Be Kind To Your Hair!

Thin hair can be fragile, so it’s important to treat it gently. Here are a few things you can do to be kinder to your hair:
  • Set your hair dryer on cool and low settings, and minimize your use of flat irons.
  • Don’t dye your hair more than one or two shades its normal color: The more severe the color change, the more chemicals you require, which can make hair break.
  • If you use hair gel or hair spray, don’t wait for it to dry before you comb through it, because the hair will harden and be more likely to break.
  • When hair is wet, use a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush, and LIGHTLY comb through hair; avoiding any pulling and tugging.
  • Avoid unnecessary brushing, combing, curling or straightening. Excessive use of these tools and techniques will weaken the hair at the root level.

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