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Thursday, September 20, 2018

how to stop leg cramps at night?

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How to stop leg cramps at night?

Leg Cramps at Night

Nocturnal (night) leg cramps are cramps that happen commonly during the night while you are sleeping. The contractions, most often in the calf muscles but also sometimes in the feet, come on suddenly.

  • Overview

What are nocturnal leg cramps?

Nocturnal leg cramps are pains that occur in the legs during the night. They usually cause awakenings from sleep, but they may also occur while awake at night during periods of inactivity. These cramps mostly happen in the calf muscles but can also occur in the thighs or feet. Nocturnal leg cramps are quite painful and cause the affected muscles to feel tight or knotted. Symptoms may last from several seconds up to several minutes. There might also be muscle soreness after the cramp goes away. Nocturnal leg cramps are more common in adults over age 50, but they also do occur in younger adults and children. Both men and women seem to be equally affected.

Who gets nocturnal leg cramps?

Anyone can get these types of cramps. However, they tend to be found more often in people who are middle-aged or older.

Are nocturnal leg cramps the same as restless legs syndrome?

No. While both types of leg disturbances tend to happen at night, or at rest, restless leg syndrome does not cause pain or cramping. Restless legs syndrome is more of a discomfort, or a crawling sensation, that results in a desire to move the legs. While moving, the restlessness is relieved, but the discomfort returns when movement stops. This does not happen with nocturnal leg cramps where the tightened muscle needs to be actively stretched out for relief.

What causes nocturnal leg cramps?

The cause of nocturnal leg cramps is often times unknown, but some cases have been linked to:
  • Sitting for long periods of time
  • Over-exertion of the muscles
  • Standing or working on concrete floors
  • Sitting improperly
Nocturnal leg cramps have also been linked to certain medical conditions and medications. These include:
  • Pregnancy
  • Alcoholism
  • Dehydration/electrolyte imbalances
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Neuromuscular disorders (neuropathy, myopathy, motor neuron disease)
  • Structural disorders (flat feet)
  • Endocrine disorders (diabetes, hypothyroidism)
  • Diuretics, statins, beta agonists

Leg Cramps at Night: Diagnosis and Tests

Do I need to have any testing done to evaluate my leg cramps?

If leg cramps are frequent and severe, your doctor may order lab work to ensure that there are no electrolyte imbalances.

Leg Cramps at Night: Management and Treatment

What can I do to make nocturnal leg cramps go away if they happen?

Forcefully stretching the affected muscle is usually the most effective way to relieve the cramp. You might be able to relieve the cramp by walking around, jiggling your leg, or massaging the leg. Warm baths or showers may be helpful. Alternatively, applying ice has also shown some benefit.

Are there any medications that will treat nocturnal leg cramps?

If known, always try to treat the underlying cause first. Vitamin E supplements or Vitamin B complex may be helpful.  Magnesium supplements have also shown some benefit, mostly in pregnant women. Diphenhydramine and calcium channel blockers may be suggested by your doctor.  Quinine was previously used for the treatment of nocturnal leg cramps. However, due to its potential for serious and life-threatening adverse effects (cardiac arrhythmias, thrombocytopenia, and hypersensitivity reactions), it is no longer recommended as a treatment option.

Leg Cramps at Night: Prevention

What can I do to help prevent these cramps from happening?

  • Make sure that you stay hydrated—drink six to eight glasses of water each day.
  • Gently stretch your leg muscles before you go to sleep.
  • Keep blankets and sheets loose around your feet so that toes are not distorted.
  • Wear properly fitted shoes.
  • Spend a few minutes riding a stationary bicycle before going to bed.

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