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Saturday, September 29, 2018

How to reduce uric acid?

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How to reduce uric acid?

15 Do's And Don'ts About Diet For High Uric Acid Levels!

High uric acid: 15 dos and don'ts about diet for high uric acid levels
High uric acid levels in the blood stream can lead to a common form of arthritis called gout.
To prevent gout, it is essential to maintain good eating habits and have proper medication. To reduce the uric acid levels in blood, you may need to limit intake of alcohol, sugary foods and reduce purine rich foods like meat, poultry, seafood and pulses. Vegetables such as cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, peas and mushroom also contain a lot of purines. Digestion of purine leads to the formation of uric acid. If uric acid is not eliminated normally which is seen in gout sufferers, it can build up in the blood stream leading to joint inflammation and pain.
1. Water
Water flushes out toxins including excess uric acid from the body. Have at least 10- 12 glasses of water daily. 
2. Cherries
Cherries have anti - inflammatory substances named anthocyanis that help reduce uric acid levels. It prevents the uric acid from crystallizing and being deposited in the joints. Cherries also neutralize the acids and help prevent inflammation and pain. 200 gms per day is very effective in bringing down uric acid.
3. Berries
Berries especially strawberries, and blueberries have anti-inflammatory properties so include them in your diet.
4. Apple
Malic acid in apple neutralizes uric acid and thus provides relief to the sufferers. You should consume one apple daily after a meal.
5. Lime
The citric acid found in lime is a solvent of the uric acid. The juice of half a lime squeezed into a glass of water should be taken twice daily.
6. French bean juice
Another effective home remedy for gout is french beans juice. The healthy juice can be consumed twice everyday for treating gout or high uric acid.
7. Celery seed
This is a popular home remedy to lower uric acid levels in the body. Have celery seeds extract to get best results.
8. Apple cider vinegar
Drink apple cider vinegar. Add 3 teaspoons of vinegar to 8 ounces of water and have it 2-3 times every day to treat uric acid.
9. Pinto beans
A diet rich in folic acid can help lower uric acid naturally. Folic acid rich foods like pinto beans, sunflower seeds and lentils should be included in your diet.
10. Vegetable juices
Carrot juice in combination with beet and cucumber juice is also very effective. 100 ml each of beet juice and cucumber juice should be mixed with 300 ml carrot juice and taken daily.
Low fat dairy products like milk, curd help lower uric acid level.
11. Foods rich in vit c
Include vitamin c rich foods & supplements in your daily diet to reduce uric acid in the body. It disintegrates uric acid and forces it out of the body through urine. Good sources of vitamin c are awla, guava, kiwi, sweet lime, oranges, capsicum, lemon, tomato and green leafy veg.
12. High-fibre foods
According to the university of maryland medical center, adding foods high in dietary fibre may help lower uric acid levels in your blood. Dietary fibre may help absorb uric acid in your bloodstream, allowing it to be eliminated from your body through your kidneys.
 Increase the consumption of dietary soluble fibers such as isabgol, oats, broccoli, apples, oranges, pears, strawberries, blueberries, cucumbers, celery, and carrots, barley.
Bananas are also beneficial in lowering uric acid.
13. Green tea
Consume green tea on a regular basis to control hyperuricemia (high uric acid levels) and lower your risk of developing gout.
14. Eating grains that are more alkaline such as jowar, bajra are helpful.
15. Vegetables
Tomatoes, broccoli, and cucumbers are some of the veggies that you need to start including in your meals. Tomatoes are one of the best vegetables that you could have for lowering uric acid. Fresh tomato is alkaline by nature and when it is exposed to the blood stream it increases the alkalinity of the blood. Raw vegetables like potatoes or corns are effective to reduce uric acid in the body. Have them raw or steam these vegetables.

How to sober up from alcohol?

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How to sober up from alcohol?

How to Sober Up

Is there a way to sober up fast?

So, you’ve had too much to drink. It happens to the best of us.
Maybe a strong cocktail snuck up on you. Maybe you drank too much, too fast. Or maybe you just had one too many.
But what do you do when you need to sober up quickly?
The search for a way to sober up fast is an endless one. There are many tall tales and secret recipes out there that claim to have solved this problem. Unfortunately, none are backed by science.
Ask any doctor how to sober up fast and they’ll tell you the truth: It’s impossible.
The good news is that there are steps you can take to avoid getting too drunk and ending up with a bad hangover.
The only thing that lowers the concentration of alcohol in your bloodstream is time. When alcohol enters your stomach, it’s quickly absorbed into your bloodstream through the stomach lining and small intestine.
Some alcoholic drinks are absorbed faster than others. Generally, stronger drinks are absorbed more quickly.
Alcoholic drinks have varying amounts of alcohol in them. Typically:
  • beer is around 5 percent alcohol (some beers have more)
  • wine is about 12 to 15 percent alcohol
  • hard liquor is about 45 percent alcohol
A shot will get you drunk faster than a beer. You may begin to feel the effects within 10 minutes of drinking, and they’ll peak around 40 to 60 minutes after drinking.
Factors — like how much you weigh and whether you’ve eaten recently — can influence how quickly your body absorbs alcohol.
After alcohol enters the bloodstream it’s broken down by the liver. It takes about an hour for your liver to break down the amount of alcohol in a standard alcoholic drink (one beer, one glass of wine, or one shot).
If you drink alcohol faster than your liver can break it down, your blood alcohol level rises and you start feeling drunk.
There isn’t anything you can do to speed up how quickly your liver breaks down the alcohol in your blood, so sobering up fast isn’t really an option.

Myths about sobering up fast

You’ve probably heard most of them before. DIY methods for sobering up quickly are everywhere. But which ones actually work?
The short answer is none of them.
You might be able to make yourself feel better or look better. But only time will lower your blood alcohol level.
When you’re drunk, alcohol has accumulated in your bloodstream because your liver hasn’t had time to process and break it down yet.
Blood alcohol level is measured by the weight of alcohol in a certain volume of blood. The result of this measurement is called blood alcohol concentration, or BAC.
It’s illegal in every U.S. state to drive with a BAC of 0.08 or higher.
Trying to sober up fast for driving isn’t a good idea. Your BAC will remain high until your liver has time to process the alcohol and get it out of your blood. You could be pulled over and charged with drunk driving or, worse, get into a serious car accident harming yourself or others.
An estimated 29 people in the United States die every day in alcohol-related car accidents — that’s one person every 50 minutes.
So, keeping in mind that nothing you can do will lower your BAC except time, let’s look at some common myths about how you can sober up fast:

Myth: Drink strong coffee to sober up

Alcohol makes you sleepy. Caffeine is a stimulant that can make you feel more awake, but it doesn’t speed up the metabolism of alcohol.
In fact, drinking caffeine can be dangerous because it tricks people into thinking they’re sober enough to drive.
Mixing alcohol with energy drinks is equally, if not more, dangerous.

Myth: Take a cold shower to sober up

Taking a cold shower is another way to wake yourself up.
A cold shower can give you a second wind, but it’s not going to reverse the effects of alcohol. In some cases, the shock of a cold shower can actually cause people to lose consciousness.

Myth: Eat fatty foods to sober up

Alcohol is absorbed through the stomach lining. If you have a stomach full of fatty food when you start drinking, the alcohol will be absorbed into your bloodstream more slowly.
But, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream in about 10 minutes. Once the alcohol is in your blood, it’s too late for food to have any effect.
Plus, fatty foods and alcohol combined can cause diarrhea.

Myth: Throw up to sober up

Throwing up won’t reduce your blood alcohol level.
Alcohol is absorbed into your bloodstream very quickly, so unless you vomit immediately after taking a sip, it won’t make much difference. But, drinking too much can make you feel nauseous. And throwing up often helps relieve nausea.

How to sober up before bed

The best way to sober up is to get a good night’s sleep. Over the course of the night, your liver will have time to metabolize all the alcohol in your system.
Passing out after a night of heavy drinking is not uncommon. But it’s important to remember that “sleeping it off” can be dangerous when someone has had a large quantity of alcohol.
An alcohol overdose (alcohol poisoning) can be fatal or lead to irreversible brain damage.
Alcohol affects the nerves responsible for gag reflex, which means people can vomit in their sleep and choke to death. Your blood alcohol level can continue to rise even after passing out.
When you’re intoxicated, you will fall asleep easily enough, but your sleep will probably be fragmented and disturbed.
Here are a few tips that help set the scene for an easier morning:
  • Drink a big glass of water before you go to sleep to fight the dehydrating effects of alcohol.
  • Leave another big glass of water on your nightstand and take sips whenever you wake up.
  • Leave a trash can, bucket, or bowl next to your bed in case you need to vomit.
  • Leave an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever like Advil on your nightstand to take in the morning. Avoid products with acetaminophen, like Tylenol and Excedrin, because they can lead to liver damage when taken with alcohol in the same 24-hour period.
  • Never take sleeping pills or other depressants when you’ve been drinking.
  • Set a back-up alarm if you need to wake up early.

How to sober up in the morning

So, it’s the morning after, and you’re paying the price.
Hangovers can be brutal, but don’t go drinking raw eggs mixed with bacon fat because the internet tells you it’s a “magic hangover cure.” It’s not.
Most hangovers resolve on their own within 24 hours. The best hangover cures are time and rest, but here are a few tips to help ease the pain:
  • Go back to sleep. Intoxicated sleep is not restful or restorative, but going back to sleep once you’re sober can help relieve a hangover.
  • Take an OTC pain reliever to treat your headache.
  • Drink water to counteract the dehydrating effects of alcohol.
  • Drink a sports drink fortified with vitamins and minerals, like Gatorade.
  • Treat gastrointestinal upset with an OTC product like Pepto-Bismol or Tums.
  • Caffeine can help combat the fatigue associated with hangovers, but it can also make stomach upset worse.
  • Put some ice or a cold cloth on your head.
  • Keep the shades closed and light out of your eyes, or wear sunglasses.
  • Eat bland foods like toast and crackers to raise your blood sugar without irritating your stomach.
  • Don’t drink more alcohol, as it will make you feel worse.

5 ways to avoid getting too drunk

1. Count your drinks

Keeping track of how many drinks you’ve had can really help.
People often lose count or forget that they took a shot. Try putting beer caps in your pocket, carrying a pen and writing tick marks on your hand, or using a simple notepad app on your phone to mark each drink.

2. Measure your drinks

A standard drink is one 12-ounce beer, one 4-ounce glass of wine, or one 1.5-ounce shot of hard liquor.
Many cocktails contain more than one shot. A generous pour of wine often amounts to two standard drinks.
Keep in mind that beers vary in alcohol percentage, so an IPA with 9 percent alcohol will count more than a light beer with 4 percent alcohol.

3. Alter what you drink

To avoid getting too drunk, stick with drinks that have a low alcohol content, such as light beer.
Try avoiding mixed drinks and drinking only beer for the night. Shots of hard liquor get you drunk very fast, so avoid them.

4. Alter how you drink

Slow down! Stick with drinks that take a while to finish, like beer and wine. If you can, stick to one drink per hour.
Try drinking a glass of water, soda, or juice in between alcoholic drinks. Spacing out your drinks allows your liver time to break down the alcohol.

5. Eat something!

When you start drinking on an empty stomach the alcohol is absorbed very quickly. Try eating a meal high in carbs or fats before drinking.
Also, it may help to continue snacking as the night goes on.

How to clean makeup sponge?

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How to clean makeup sponge?

How to Clean Your Makeup Sponge—the Cheap & Easy Way


Your face deserves a clean makeup sponge.

While you may be rinsing your makeup sponge after use (hopefully), you're only getting rid of the top layer of makeup. Hate to break it to you, but there's probably something vile (bacteria, germs, etc) hiding in the inner crevices of your blender. And, if you're getting acne on your cheeks, celebrity aesthetician Shani Darden says your dirty tools or phones may be reason. For your phone, the skin pro told E! News, "I travel with alcohol pads in my purse at all times to ensure dirt and bacteria aren't left on these, which are constantly rubbing against my face"—easy enough. For your makeup sponge, the solution is just as simple. 

How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes

You can purchase a cleanser, specifically designed to clean the sponge, such as the beautyblender Solid Makeup Sponge Cleanser. Or, you can grab the bar soap that's already at the corner of your bathroom sink and get to work. The drying nature of soap helps to suck out whatever moisture, bacteria and makeup that's hiding in your tool, and the solid bar allows for a base to rub the sponge on, increasing the lather and effectiveness. Any bar soap will do. 

Follow the steps below to keep your beauty blender clean!


Place your dirty makeup sponge under warm water and give it a squeeze to rinse out excess makeup.


Wet your bar of soap and rub it in your hands until it produces a soapy lather.


Rub your blender along the soap, making sure to soap up every part of the sponge.


Squeeze the blender to make sure the cleanser has effectively made its way through the center.


Squeeze and rinse until the sponge is clean.


Set out to dry.

how to lose a stone in 4 weeks?

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How to lose a stone in 4 weeks?

How To Lose A Stone In A Month

Losing a stone in a month is a drastic weight loss but if you follow this safe guide, it can be done.

Follow these simple diet rules for the next four to six weeks and, depending on how strict you are, you could lose up to a stone and drop a dress size.

Combining our w&h tips and tips from qualified nutritionist Kim Pearson, you’ll soon see results.

Along with the healthy foods you should be eating, this plan will keep you hydrated and boost your mood so that you’ll want to make it part of your everyday routine.

Got a sweet tooth? No problem – you just need to earn those treats with a little extra effort on the exercise front.

Swap your morning cereal for a protein-rich breakfast

Protein-rich foods fill us up and keep us satisfied for longer, so aim to include it in all our your meals during the month. Kim says, “Swapping your cereal or toast for a protein based breakfast will help keep you fuller for longer and help to prevent mid morning snacking. One study showed that a high protein breakfast promotes weight loss by regulating our ‘appetite’ hormones, making us want to eat less later in the day.”

Fill half of your dinner plate with vegetables

Kim advises that “Carbohydrates are converted to sugar in the body and if these sugars aren’t used for energy, they’re likely to get stored as fat. Avoid foods like white rice, pasta, noodles and bread. Cauliflower rice and courgette spaghetti make great alternatives to your standard rice and pasta.”

Get one portion of good fats in all of your meals

Kim admits that it’s imperative you eat fat – contrary to what you’ve been told. “You might think that eating fat leads to gaining weight, but actually the opposite is true. Fat is not only essential for health, but numerous studies have shown that a diet lower in carbs but higher in healthy fats is the best – and quickest – way to lose weight.

“Good fats can be found in oily fish, nuts such as walnuts and seeds like flaxseeds and chia seeds. Aim to include a moderate portion of healthy fats at each of your meals during the month.”

Only eat three times a day – and don’t snack!

“Whilst this does depend on the individual, for the average person who isn’t following an intensive exercise programme, eating three meals per day, five hours apart is ideal. For example, you might have breakfast at 9am, lunch at 2pm and dinner at 7pm. It’s also always a good idea to avoid eating late in the evening.”

“I also advise against constant grazing and snacking. It’s better to eat a substantial meal at your main meals and then allow time in between meals. This allows your body the opportunity to use up some of your stored fat reserves, rather than purely focussing on ‘easy energy’ from the food you’ve just eaten.”

Exercise five times a week, doing HIIT and weight training

Kim spoke to some of her qualified, personal trainer colleagues, to suss out what workouts work best for losing weight. She said, “My personal trainer colleagues like to advise a combination of HIIT (high intensity interval training) as well as weight training for quick weight loss. Training that promotes muscle growth will also help to increase the body’s metabolic rate. The more muscle we have, the more calories the body burns even at rest, so it’s good for losing weight and maintaining weight loss, to help you keep the extra pounds off.”

If you must drink alcohol, opt for lower sugar, dry wines

“Alcoholic drinks can contain a surprising amount of calories and sugar so moderating your alcohol consumption is important for weight loss. Alcohol can also increase your appetite and compromise your willpower when it comes to food choices! So it’s generally better to avoid it.”

“However, the Government recommends we drink no more than 14 units a week, equivalent to six small glasses of wine, so aim to stick to these guidelines as a maximum. When you do drink, eat food first to reduce alcohol’s negative effects and opt for lower sugar, dry wines such as Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc.”

Use a diet delivery service

w&h recommends a diet delivery service if you want to get health meals – fast. Getting your meals prepped and delivered to your door can be brilliant way of staying on track and shedding those pounds. Jane Plan offers a healthy food delivery service which could help you to lose one stone in a month – especially with their one stone/one month delivery box option. There are endless food options to choose from, including pork meatballs, chilli con carne and a luxury lentil shepherd’s pie. Plus, they will help you to create a free weight loss profile based on your BMI.

Drink a pint of water before each meal
We at Woman & Home did some digging, and according to recent studies, gulping down a pint of plain old water could help towards shifting a pound in one month. A study undertaken by the University of Birmingham monitored 12 adults over 12 weeks. Half of the group were asked to drink 500ml of water before each of their meals, and half weren’t. The six that drank water before their meals lost around 2.8 pounds more than those who didn’t, which lead to them on average losing around of 9.4 pounds each over the 12 weeks.

Limit yourself to just one treat meal a week

Kim maintains that we all have to have a treat now and again – just not that often! She said, “Cutting out everything you love is likely to end up making you miserable. In order for a quick weight loss programme to be effective, it needs to be something you can stick to. Allow yourself one treat meal per week where you can eat whatever you fancy. Or, spread your treats over the week. This might be a small bar of dark (70%) chocolate, or equivalent, every day. Remember though – the more treats you have, the slower the weight loss will be, so don’t have them too regularly!”

How to do french plaits?

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How to do french plaits?

How to Do Two French Braids

A basic French braid is a simple and elegant hairstyle. When you've mastered the single French braid, you can start using two French braids in your hair for even more style variety. Two French braids can expand your options from a ponytail braid, to pigtails, half ponytails, and even buns.

Method 1  Creating French Braid Pigtails

  1. 1
    Part the hair in the middle. Begin by brushing the hair and then parting it in the middle. Make sure the part goes from the hairline all the way to the nape. Pull the two sections of hair over your shoulders, as if you are about to tie your hair into pigtails.
    • The part in your hair does not have to be a severe straight line. You can have a messy, uneven part for a chic bohemian style. A zig-zag part can add a bit of funk to your style.
  2. 2
    Make the foundation braid. Choose a side to begin with. Take a small section of about .5 inches (1.3 cm) of hair from your hairline. Separate this section from the rest of the hair with your fingers. Divide this section into three strands. Make the foundation braid by starting a standard braid. Take the right strand and cross over the middle strand. Then cross the left strand over the new middle.
    • You may want to secure the other, loose side with a hair band. This will help keep it from accidentally getting combined with the side you are braiding.
    • This foundation braid will be on the side of the head. Since you are making French braid pigtails, you should be braiding down each side of your head. The braids will sit just between the ears and the part.
    • If you'd like a looser braid, you can start with a larger section.
    • If you have very thick hair, you may want to work in larger sections.
  3. 3
    Begin the French braid. Add a small section of loose hair to the right strand. Cross the right strand over the middle strand while pulling the middle strand to the right. Add a small section of loose hair to the left strand. Cross the left strand over the new middle strand while pulling the middle strand to the left.
    • Keep your hands close to the head so the braid will remain tight.
    • Make sure to add an even amount of hair each time you add hair to the strands. This will keep the braids neat and uniform, instead of uneven.
  4. 4
    Continue braiding. As you move down the side of the head, continue french braiding the hair. You will pull hair from around the hairline in the front, and from along the part in the back. Each time you need a new layer, separate the hair you are adding in a horizontal line.
    • When you run out of hair to add to the braid, continue braiding in a traditional 3-strand braid.
    • Make sure to keep the braid tight as you braid. This can be achieved by pulling the sections away from each other.
  5. 5
    Secure the hair. When you reach the desired length of your braid, tie it with hair ties. You can add hair clips, ribbon, or other accessories.
  6. 6
    Repeat on the other side. On the other side of the head, repeat steps 2-5 on the hair. The braids should look identical. Make sure to stop them at the same place and try to use matching hair ties on each side.
    • If you would like an alternate style for French braid pigtails, instead of braiding all the way to the ends of your hair, stop at the nape of your neck. Secure the French braid with a hair tie. The hair hanging over your shoulders will be loose, so you can straighten or curl these strands.
    • Another alternate style for two French braid pigtails is a bun. After finishing one of the French braids, pin the tail of the braid into a bun at the back of your head by wrapping the tail around. Secure with bobby pins. Repeat with the other side, pinning the other braid on top of the bun. Use as many bobby pins as necessary to hold the bun in place.
    Method 2  Creating Two Side French Braids

  1. 1
    Part the hair. After brushing the hair, part it in the middle. The part only needs to go from the hairline to the crown of your head.
  2. 2
    Start a foundation braid. Choose a side to begin. Take a small section of hair near the face and separate it from the rest of your hair. Divide this into three equal strands. Make the foundation braid with a traditional braid - cross the right strand over the middle, and then cross the left strand over the middle.
    • These braids will be small strands that curve around the back of the head to meet in the middle. You are not trying to braid all of your hair into the strands.
    • An alternate way to do this same style is to create two larger braids. This will give a slightly different look to the style. Follow the same steps, but add more hair. The larger braids will angle downwards more than the smaller braids, which means they will meet just underneath the crown instead of in the middle of the head.
    • When you start the braid, angle the braid away from the face, towards the back of the head. Don't angle it down.
  3. 3
    Begin the French braid. Add a small section of hair to the right strand, then cross the now larger strand over the middle. Add a small section of hair to the left strand, then cross the now larger strand over the new middle. Continue this along the curve of the head.
    • Stop the braid once you get to the middle of the head. Secure with a clip or a hair tie.
  4. 4
    Repeat on the other side. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on the other side of the hair. The two strands should meet in the middle of the back of your head. They should be approximately the same size.
    • The braids are forming a braided half-ponytail. Most of your hair will be loose.
  5. 5
    Combine the hair. Take the clips or hair ties from the two sides of the half ponytail. Add these two strands together.
  6. 6
    Style as desired. With the two French braids along your head, you can now style as you wish. You can secure the half ponytail with a clip or hair tie for a stylish half-up do. You can also pull the hair into a ponytail. If you want to add a bit of sophisticated style, wrap the ponytail into a bun and secure with bobby pins.
    • If you style into a ponytail or bun, the two French braids will rest just above the ponytail or bun.
    • You can also join the two braids into a single, 3 strand braid that goes down your back. To do this, combine the left and middle sections of your left braid into 1 left strand, combine the right section of your left braid and the left section of your right braid into 1 middle strand, and combine your middle and right sections of your right braid into 1 right section. Then, continue braiding in a traditional 3-strand braid.
    Method 3  Creating a Two French Braid Crown

    1. 1
      Part the hair. Brush the hair, and then part the hair down the middle. The part should run from the hairline to the base of the nape.
      • Secure one side of the hair with a hair tie. This will keep it out of the way until you are ready to use it.
      • An alternate style, you can part your hair to 1 side to create two different sized braids, or you can create a soft, messy part.
    2. 2
      Start a foundation braid. Gather the hair at the base of the neck. Divide the hair into three sections. Cross the right strand under the middle, then cross the left strand under the middle. This makes the anchor braid.
      • As an alternative, you can create a braided crown by simply French braiding your hair in pigtails, then wrapping each braid up and around your head. Tuck the ends under and pin the braid to your scalp.
    3. 3
      Begin a Dutch braid. Add a section of hair to the right strand, then cross under the middle strand. Add a section of hair to the left strand, then cross under the middle strand. You should be braiding upwards along your head.
      • A Dutch braid is also called an inverted French braid or a reverse French braid. The hair is braided under instead of over like in a standard French braid.
      • This braid will be done from the bottom of the head up instead of from the top of the head down.
      • You may want to comb the hair in an upward direction before you begin so the hair is already in the right direction.
    4. 4
      Continue braiding around the head. Since this is a crown braid, the braid should follow along the curve of the head. Continue Dutch braiding by adding hair to the outer strands and crossing under.
      • Make sure that the amount of hair added to the strands is equal each time. This keeps the braid uniform instead of uneven.
    5. 5
      Switch to a plait braid once your reach your center part at your hairline. The center part at the front of your hair will be where you stop adding hair to that side. At this point, stop dutch braiding your hair and switch to plaiting. This is a simple 3 strand braid to complete that side.
      • If your hair ends at the part, simply tie it off. Since this style works best on long hair, the braid probably will end somewhere around the forehead.
    6. 6
      Secure braid. When the braid is finished, secure with a hair tie. Use a tie that is covered with fabric to minimize the risk of damage to your hair. Choose a hair tie that matches the color of your hair so that it blends in.

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